Oman Development Bank Wins the Digital Excellence Award at ADFIAP 2023

Almaty: Oman Development Bank (ODB) won the award of Excellence in Digital Services during its participation in the 46th meeting of the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP). The meeting is currently being held in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

OBD’s delegation is led by Eng. Mohammed Abu Bakr Al Ghassani, Chairman of ODB Board of Directors.

The award affirms ODB’s efforts in digital transformation, which seeks to digitize internal operations and all services rendered to beneficiaries. The aim is to provide high levels of quality and speed that meet the government’s aspirations and goals.

Through this participation in the ADFIAP meeting, the bank endeavours to maximize benefits from the association, which boasts extensive experience in the field of development financing.

ODB’s participation also stems from its keenness to engage in cooperation and exchange of expertise with banks and financing institutions.

ADFIAP, which brings together 90 institutions from 40 countries, also extends its services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to augment their contribution to local economies.

On the sidelines of the meeting, Al Ghassani conferred with representatives of a number of development banks, including the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, the India’s SMEs development bank and the Eurasian Development Bank. The meeting focused on means of benefiting from the banks’ expertise in human resources development, financing SMEs and maximizing their developmental weight.

The meeting also touched on legislations and policies needed to address the challenges involved in the collection of loans granted by development banks. – ONA

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