Oman International Table Tennis Championship Kicks off Tomorrow

With the participation of 100 players.. Oman International Table Tennis Championship competitions start tomorrow

Muscat: The Oman International Table Tennis Championship 2024 will kick off tomorrow, organized by the Oman Table Tennis Association in cooperation with the International Table Tennis Federation, with the participation of 100 international players representing Chinese Taipei, Japan, India, Pakistan, France, Germany, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Italy, Yemen and the Sultanate of Oman.

The tournament, which is held in the main hall of the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex in Bousher, will last for 5 days.

All players of both genders will compete in a number of tournament categories, including men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles. More than 6 tables will be distributed in the main hall to host the competitions at one time. Training halls No. 1 and No. 2 will be designated for the final warm-up for the players before they enter the competitions.

The coach of our national table tennis team, Iranian Omid Shams Shahrabaki, approved the list of players who will represent the Sultanate of Oman in this edition of the international championship. The list will include: Muhannad Al Balushi, in addition to the other players in the preliminary round of the championship, namely: Asaad Al Raisi, Mohammed Al Mutawa, Haitham Al Mandhari, and Ghassan Al Ghassani. The team players are looking forward to achieving a variety of gains and numerous technical goals and trying to reach the final stages of the competitions.

The tournament organizing committee has completed all the necessary technical and logistical preparations and arrangements before the start of the competitions, as the rubber flooring was installed in the hall, in addition to installing tables and barriers, installing additional lighting, and installing various necessary equipment and supplies related to the game. This tournament is held according to the international standards and requirements required by the World Table Tennis Foundation and the International Table Tennis Federation.

“This international tournament is the first of its kind this year and will be followed by another higher-level international tournament that we are used to organising in the Sultanate of Oman under the name of the Oman International Competitive Championship, which will include the participation of players ranked around the world in late October and early November,” said Abdullah bin Mohammed Bamkhalef, Chairman of the Oman Table Tennis Association and Chairman of the Organising Committee of the tournament.

“This tournament is good for players with lower rankings to prepare for upcoming international competitions, in addition to gaining more points in the overall international ranking,” he added. He explained that these international championships have opened the way for the development of many Omani competencies in the fields of organization, preparation, arbitration and training, noting that there is a group of young cadres who have distinctive capabilities in managing championships, in addition to a group of young competencies in organizing various logistical aspects of the championships.

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