Oman Participates in 14th International Economic Forum “Russia – Islamic World: KazanForum 2023”

Moscow: Represented by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, the Sultanate of Oman today participated in the opening of the International Economic Forum “Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum 2023”, which is currently being held in the Russian Federation.

Oman was represented at the opening of the forum by Eng. Said Hamoud Al Ma’awali, Minister of Transport, Communications and Information Technology.

The forum, the 14th of its kind this year, is aimed at consolidating commercial, economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural ties between Russia and member states and the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC). It seeks to open up new markets and display new economic opportunities.

Al Ma’awali took part in a roundtable held under the auspices of Igor Levitin, Assistant to the President of Russia, on means of developing the International North–South Transport Corridor.

During his tour of the “Russia Halal Expo” business fair, the minister took note of products of several specialized companies. He was briefed about the companies’ services and projects related to the logistics and infrastructure sector.

Meanwhile, Eng. Khamis Mohammed Al Shamakhi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology for Transport, conferred with specialists at the Russian Ministry of Transport.

The meeting touched on various aspects of developing the existing relations and expanding cooperation between the two countries. It also focused on the exchange of expertise in the transport and logistics sector. – ONA

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