Oman participates in G20 Culture Ministers’ Meeting in India

New Delhi: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, participated in the meeting of the Ministers of the Culture Working Group within the G20 meetings, which is being held in the Republic of India from August 24-27.

The meeting discussed a range of aspects related to cultural fields, including: protecting and reclaiming cultural property, employing cultural heritage for a sustainable future, benefiting from digital technologies to promote and protect culture, and promoting cultural and creative industries and the creative economy.

His Excellency Sayyid Saeed bin Sultan Al Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth for Culture, delivered a speech of the Sultanate of Oman in which he spoke about the importance of culture as a driving force for global development and prosperity, as culture plays an important role in ensuring sustainable development and providing real value that goes beyond mere social and economic benefits, stressing the importance of supporting human rights.

His Excellency referred to the efforts of the Sultanate of Oman to enhance its cultural identity and its contribution to the global cultural scene. The vision of Oman 2040 has adopted, among its national priorities, national identity, heritage and culture, and has adopted many cultural policies represented by the cultural strategy, the most important of which are the promotion of cultural identity, work on the sustainability of culture, the preservation and development of cultural knowledge, international cooperation and the preservation of intangible cultural heritage. It is worth noting that the Sultanate of Oman – in order to activate its participation in the meetings of the cultural group of the Group of Twenty – is also participating in the Bihar Museum Biennial 2023, which is a distinguished artistic event that brings together the best artists from around the world.

This year, the exhibition included the participation of 20 artists from around the world, where the Omani plastic artist Abdul Majeed Al Balushi participated in his painting “The Gate” and used bright colors and exciting dynamic lines to show the artist’s vision for a better and brighter future for humanity, and through it he expressed the message of peace, brotherhood and cohesion among the peoples of the world. the world.

On the literary side, the Sultanate of Oman participated in the literary edition (Under One Sky), which brings together selected poems and texts from poets and writers from all twenty participating countries, with the poem “Letters on Love and Desolation” by poet Dr. Hilal Al-Hajri.

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