Oman’s Education Ministry Values Issuance of Royal Decree on School Education Law

omani school
omani school

Muscat: The Ministry of Education has expressed appreciation for the issuance of the Royal Decree that promulgates the School Education Law.

The Ministry said in a statement that this generous gesture from His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik comes in pursuance of the Royal support and attention accorded to the education sector in the Sultanate of Oman.

The ministry pointed out that the Royal gesture underscores the importance of governance of the educational system and the development of a legislative and regulatory structure that guarantees the existence of a motivating educational environment at various technical and administrative levels.

It also underscores recognition for the role of teachers in the upbringing of generations and it reflects positively on the development of the teacher’s professional performance, the ministry observed in its statement.

The statement said that the Royal gesture stems from His Majesty the Sultan’s deep conviction on the importance of developing the educational system, improving its standards to keep pace with global educational developments.

In its statement, the ministry pointed out that this approach strives to realize goals of Oman Vision 2040 and aspirations to provide an attractive environment in the educational sphere.

The Royal gesture also builds on the great expansion witnessed by the educational system during the past decades in a bid to usher in a new phase of development and amelioration of various aspects of education and learning process, said the ministry in its statement.

The Ministry of Education affirmed the need to move forward in developing education in Oman, guided by His Majesty the Sultan’s judicious vision to achieve the aspirations of his loyal people. – ONA

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