Oman’s Ministry Announces Start of Registration for National Research Award

Muscat: The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation today invited interested researchers and specialists to submit applications for the 10th round of the National Research Award (NRA).

The competition, which encourages scholarly research in six sectors, will be open for contestants till 20 July 2023.

The NRA is granted for research in two categories: (1) The best published research for holders of the doctorate degree and its equivalent and (2) the best published research for emerging researchers (those who do not hold a doctorate).

The award covers the following six domains: “education and human resources”, “information and communication systems”, “health and community service”, “culture, social sciences and basic sciences”, “energy and industry” and “environment and vital resources”.

The ministry introduced the NRA to achieve a number of objectives: (1) to motivate high quality research focusing on national priorities, (2) hone the skills of national cadres and (3) explore national research output from academic institutions, with a view to advancing their integration with each other.

Since its inception in 2014, the NRA has seen a high rate of competition. Last year it was contested by 307 competitors, among them 209 were holders of the doctorate degree and its equivalent and 98 were junior researchers. -ONA

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