Oman’s Ministry launches the Youth Ambassadors Program

Muscat: The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, represented by the Directorate General of Youth, launched the Youth Ambassadors Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), based on its competencies in expanding youth participation in the process of social and economic development in the Sultanate of Oman, and its role in Providing young people with the necessary knowledge and skills to involve them in international and regional conferences, events and meetings.

The program seeks to build young national capacities capable of participating effectively in regional and international forums, such as the United Nations organizations in all its branches, and membership in official delegations participating in events organized by external parties and international and regional organizations throughout the year, which provides young people with the opportunity to exercise leadership and community roles that help them achieve Their goals and those of Oman Vision 2040.

Hilal bin Saif Al Siyabi, Director General of the General Directorate of Youth, said: The Youth Ambassadors Program targets the age group from 18 to 25 years and seeks to provide young people with the necessary skills to represent the Sultanate of Oman in regional and international forums, through 3 main activities: launching an electronic platform on the website The Ministry offers a number of registered training courses in a number of fields (diplomatic field – leadership – media – cultural identity), and secondly by organizing a training simulation session for regional and international meetings such as the United Nations Youth Model (MUN), in which the most important global and regional issues it faces are raised. Youth in various countries of the world and the mechanism of their solutions. The program also focuses on holding meetings between youth and diplomatic leaders in the Sultanate of Oman, which is the third main activity.

He pointed out that the aim of presenting the Model United Nations (MUN) for international meetings is to teach and disseminate the basic principles of the work of the United Nations and its affiliated councils, and to increase knowledge awareness in the fields: economic, social, political and environmental, and to qualify young people to attend high-level meetings and provide young people with critical thinking skills, public speaking and negotiation skills. Communication skills with others, linking young people to the international world, introducing them to international and regional organizations, and creating a developmental link between young people and the world of international diplomatic relations.

He added that the desired return from this program is to qualify qualified young cadres in the diplomatic field and create a database of empowered youth to represent the Sultanate of Oman in regional and international forums.

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