Over 60 participants in the South Al Batinah Blitz Chess Championship

Al-Rustaq: The Department of Culture, Sports and Youth in the South Al Batinah Governorate today, in cooperation with the Omani Chess Committee, organized the South Al Batinah Governorate International Open Blitz Championship, approved by the International Federation and classified internationally, with the participation of 64 male and female participants, at the Sports Complex in the Rustaq Wilayat.

The tournament was held according to the Swiss system of 9 rounds, giving each player 5 minutes, with 3 seconds added after each move. The tournament aims to discover talent in blitz chess competitions.

Ali bin Mohammed Al Balushi, Head of the Sports and Youth Activities Department at the Department of Culture, Sports and Youth in the South Al Batinah Governorate, said: “The South Al Batinah Governorate International Open Blitz Chess Championship witnessed great competition and excitement among the participants, through the close results at the end of the competitions, as the tournament gained resonance and interest.” wide range of all participants.

Al Balushi added that the Department of Culture, Sports and Youth in the South Al Batinah Governorate is keen to hold various activities and events on an ongoing basis, especially since this matter has several positives, including expanding the game further in all governorates of the Sultanate of Oman, with the aim of preparing a conscious generation that will be able to represent… The national teams of the Sultanate of Oman performed honorably in various international forums. At the end of the tournament, the Yemeni player Bashir Al-Qudimi won first place overall, while the Indian player Atrav Bansal won second place, and the Indian player Emil Sebastin won third place.

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