Royal Academy of Management Board of Trustees Holds Second Meeting

Muscat: The Board of Trustees of the Royal Academy of Management held its second meeting under the chairmanship of Sayyid Khalid Hilal Al Busaidi, Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court.

Al Busaidi highlighted the directives of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik when he patronized over the inauguration of the Academy, which consolidate developing human capital and leadership through systematic programmes and discussions.

The Minister of the Diwan of Royal Court also highlighted the directives to enhance communication and government integration, to develop intellectual content in a bid to enhance Oman’s future readiness, and to position Oman among the top ranks of developed countries.

Board members discussed recent strategies and accomplishments as well as the launch of upcoming programmes. Emphasis was laid on grooming national leaders at various levels of management and providing the public and private sectors with empowered and qualified leaders.

The meeting also discussed the process of moving employees to the new Royal Academy of Management building and ensuring a seamless transition.

In addition, the Board of Trustees also reviewed several topics in its agenda and took appropriate decisions.

The Royal Academy of Management is under the honorary patronage of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik. Established in January 2022, the Academy aims to develop national leaders at various levels of management in the public and private sectors through an integrated suite of specialised centres, initiatives, and programmes based on the latest concepts and trends in New Public Management. – ONA

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