Second edition of Oxy Ultra Marathon to kick off on 7 December

Muscat: The second edition of Oxy Ultra Marathon will kick off on 7 December 2023 at Wadi Al Khoudh in the Wilayat of A’Seeb.

The three-day marathon is organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth. Such details were stated during the press conference held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Muscat today.

Zayana Abdullah Al Ya’rubi, Director of Qualitative Bodies Department at the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth, affirmed that the Ministry, represented by the Directorate General of Sports Activities, sought to diversify its events, activities and programmes in a manner consistent with the general trends to upgrade the multiple talents that the Sultanate of Oman enjoys in the sporting aspect.

She added that the Sultanate of Oman is one of the countries characterized by unique geographical diversity and attractive terrains that attract international sports tourism.

The first edition of the marathon witnessed the participation of 1,000 competitors representing 23 countries and who were ambassadors to promote the Sultanate of Oman, Zayana said.

For his part, Mohammed Khalfan Al Obaidani, CEO of MGE, which organizes the event, said that the race will include many events, including a 10-kilometre race open to all age groups, a race for children of varying distances according to age groups, and a race that will be dedicated to the category of people with disabilities. As for the main race, it will be a race full of challenges, for a distance of 50 km for the age group of 18 years and older.

He expressed his thanks to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth and Occidental Oman for the strategic partnership in the sports field. He asserted that this cooperation will bear fruit in the long term in terms of in-country value (ICV).

The Oxy Ultra Marathon is an exceptional sporting event that brings together running and endurance enthusiasts from all over the Sultanate of Oman and beyond. It aims to highlight the Muscat and focus on mountain sports in Oman.

The marathon seeks to place Muscat on the map of global mountain sports and make it a distinctive destination for fans of this sport. The event includes challenging tracks of various distances suitable for all levels and abilities, from beginner participants to running professionals. – ONA

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