Systematic study on molecular characteristics of colorectal cancer conducted in the Sultanate of Oman

Muscat: A number of doctors at Sultan Qaboos University Hospital (SQUH) and the Royal Hospital conducted a joint systematic study on molecular characteristics of colorectal cancer.

Diagnosed colon cancer figures among the most common cancers in Oman after breast cancer and thyroid cancer. This disease is considered the main cause of many deaths worldwide, both in advanced and developing countries.

“Hardly any studies investigating colorectal cancer were conducted in Oman. Besides molecular characteristics of the disease, this study explores social, demographic and economic factors involved. It probes the prevalence of certain types of colon cancer in different regions of Oman,” said Dr. Mohammed Hilal Al Azri, Head of the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health, Associate Professor at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Senior Consultant at SQUH and a principal member of the team that conducted the study.

Al Azri told Oman News Agency (ONA) that the study was mainly aimed at determining the collateral relationship between the disease’s molecular characteristics and its propagation in terms of causative factors.

The study also investigates common obstacles and challenges with a view to espousing a national programme for screening colorectal cancer in various segments of society, said Al Azri. He hoped that the study would benefit decision makers in Oman.

Al Azri pointed out that, in the same context, three more studies will be conducted to further investigate the causes, factors and challenges involved upon the prevalence of colon cancer.

He explained that the three studies will target different groups of the population, including colon cancer patients and health care providers operating in primary health centres.

Towards this objective, as many as 2,178 community members concerned will be examined at health centres located in Muscat Governorate, Al Azri added. – ONA

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