Actor Jeremy Renner in critical condition after snow plow accident

Los Angeles: Movie star Jeremy Renner, known for his role as Hawkeye in several Marvel blockbusters, was in critical but stable condition following an accident, his representative told US media on Sunday.

Renner had been plowing snow when he suffered serious injuries, a representative told The Hollywood Reporter and Deadline.

“We can confirm Jeremy is in critical but stable condition with injuries suffered after experiencing a weather-related accident while plowing snow earlier today,” Renner’s representative told the outlet, without specifying where the accident took place.

“His family is with him and he is receiving excellent care,” the representative, who was unnamed, added.

Renner, 51, has been nominated for two Oscars for his roles in “The Hurt Locker” and “The Town”.

He has also appeared as Clint Barton, also known as superhero Hawkeye, in several Marvel films and a recent miniseries.

Renner owns property near Mt Rose-Ski Tahoe, an area near Reno, Nevada that has been hit by winter storms, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

He recently posted on social media about severe weather conditions in the area around Lake Tahoe, which borders California and Nevada and is a world-renowned skiing destination.

On December 13, Renner tweeted a photo of a car buried by snow with the caption “Lake Tahoe snowfall is no joke.”

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