Muscat Municipality in Muttrah records 3,323 lease contracts in the First Half of 2023


Muscat Municipality pays great attention to organizing the rental relationship, documenting lease contracts between landlords and tenants of housing, commercial and industrial shops, and registering private contracts, as this results in realizing a number of benefits and privileges for the benefit of both parties to the rental relationship, in addition to the material returns achieved from the regulatory process due to Its proceeds serve the improvement and development projects of the existing services provided by the municipality.

The Directorate General of the Muttrah Directorate monitored a number of statistics related to lease contracts, which ranged between (investment, commercial, residential, commercial residential, agricultural, residential, industrial or industrial), as the statistics for the year 2023 revealed during the first half year that (3323) contracts were registered. In the Wilayat of Muttrah, in addition to the renewal of (21,239) contracts, residential contracts represented the highest percentage of the two types, followed by commercial contracts, while in the same period of the first half of the past year 2022, approximately (747) new contracts were registered, and (11,999) contracts were renewed.

This increase in the registration of contracts reflects the awareness efforts of the municipality, as well as the monitoring and inspection efforts made for regulation. It also reflects the extent of societal awareness and keenness in order to document contracts. Because of its advantages and returns represented in defining the rights of both parties to the contract, such as determining the amount of the fare, the duration of the contract, and the method of paying the fare, which would reduce the emergence of disputes and problems later between the parties to the contract, as this provides, according to the law, an opportunity to resort to contracts when any damages, compensation or damages occur. Lawsuits; In addition, registering a lease agreement contributes to enhancing the state’s public revenues. By paying the prescribed fees, which benefit the community in general, and the two parties to the lease contract in particular, by using the revenues of those fees to improve and develop services in exchange for the services and improvement projects provided by the government in residential neighborhoods, commercial and industrial areas on an ongoing basis.

It is worth noting Article (14) of Muscat Municipality Law No. (38/2015), which is considered one of the legislative determinants and regulatory frameworks for the issue of the rental relationship between landlords and tenants. Less than fifty Omani riyals and not more than five thousand Omani riyals, or imprisonment for a period of no less than twenty-four hours and not more than six months, or one of the two punishments. on him; The Muscat Municipality stresses the necessity of registering lease contracts with the competent municipality in a way that preserves the rights of the parties to the contract and benefits them, and avoids the imposition of a fine on them, and in a way that achieves fair tax distribution that enhances the sustainability and development of services.

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