Oman Participates in G20 Research Ministers Meeting in India

Mumbai: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, took part in the G20 Research Ministers’ meeting. The meeting is held at Mumbai, India and lasts till 7 July 2023.

The Omani delegation was represented in the meeting by Dr. Rahma Ibrahim Al Mahrouqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

During the meeting, Dr. Rahma reviewed efforts of the Sultanate of Oman in promoting scientific research and innovation. She affirmed that the meeting is of vital importance for shaping the future of the countries of the world in general.

She added that the meeting provides an effective platform for sharing best practices and knowledge that lead to the improvement of societies.

The minister said that Oman seeks to transform the economy into a knowledge-based economy based on the approach set forth in Oman Vision 2040, which included scientific research as one of the most important national priorities for achieving sustainable development.

She also highlighted the importance of scientific research as a basis for diversifying economy and prosperity and achieving sustainable development plans.

On the sidelines of the participation, Dr. Rahma Al Mahrouqi, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, met with Jens Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Education and Research in Germany and Maria Cristina Russo, Director for Global Approach and International Partnerships at the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission.

She also met with Mohammed Aref, responsible of Oman’s Cultural Section in in India, to discuss challenges facing Omani students in India. The minister and her accompanying delegation also met with Professor Aniruddha Pandit, Director at the Institute of Chemical Technology. The two sides exchanged experiences in scientific research pertaining to renewable energy “hydrogen”, water treatment, food security and entrepreneurship.

The minister also visited some higher education and scientific research institutions, laboratories for tissue production, food, training and entrepreneurship, and the National Institute of Industrial Engineering in Mumbai. – ONA

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